
solution to influenza virus .   Influenza tip ,


Influenza pandemic takes place every year.

I have been testing the smell of alcohol

for the last 60 days •

it is medicinal alcohol-75% concentration•

Alcoholic-smell is very irritating to the nose,

Inhale some of the smell of alcohol from

 the nostrils, into the lungs,

Exhale through the mouth, repeat this up to 10 times,


The smell of alcohol can kill viruses. First of all,

I made this assumption,

Inhale some of the smell of alcohol from the

 nostrils, into the lungs, Kill the lung virus,

then exhale through the mouth, kill the throat virus,


sore throat, cough, Inhale some of the smell of

alcohol from the mouth, into the lungs,

then exhale through the nostrils, kill the throat virus,


    創作者 linliju2001 的頭像


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